On 2/16/24 17:19, Jim Reid wrote:
If a zone's signatures and keys are constructed and published in such a way 
that it causes indigestion in validators, and as a consequence validators fail 
to return responses for data in that zone, that's a self-inflicted problem and 
the zone administrator surely has every incentive to fix the problem. If the 
tools the zone administrator is using make the problem hard to make, then so 
much the better.

If validators can also make this problem hard to make, that’s so much the 
better too. That should give signers a strong incentive to fix their 
self-inflicted problem and stop hurting validating resolvers.
With (some) validators returning SERVFAIL when encountering a keytag collision, 
any operator adding a DNSKEY (e.g., for rollover) will, in roughly 2^-16 of 
cases, break their zone without notice.

It's not clear to me how one would characterize such validator policy as "mak[ing] 
this problem hard to make".

It rather seems like inviting instability, then telling the signer "well, you 
knew...! Or should have, at least."

I don't see in what way that's better than what we have with the current fixes, 
which successfully address the problem and (AFAICS) don't need to be touched 


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