>    I see several different directions this could go that might be
>    useful.
>    1. "DNS at the 99th percentile"
>    Rather than normatively declare limits on things like NS count
>    or CNAME chain length, it would be interesting to measure
>    behaviors out in the real world.  How long can your CNAME chain
>    be before resolution failure rates exceed 1%?  How many NS
>    records or RRSIGs can you add before 99% of resolvers won't try
>    them all?

That has a bit of risk that we need a new document every year.

>    2. "DNS Lower Limits"
>    Similar to the current draft, but a change of emphasis: instead
>    of setting upper bounds on the complexity of zones, focus on
>    setting lower bounds on the capability of resolvers.

This is the same thing. If some popular resolvers implement the lower bound
then it effectively because an upper bound on the complexity of zones.

>    3. "DNS Intrinsic Limits"
>    Given the existing limits in the protocol (e.g. 64 KB responses,
>    255 octet names), document the extreme cases that might be
>    challenging to resolve.  This could be used to create a live
>    test suite, allowing implementors to confirm that their resolvers
>    scale to the worst-case scenarios.

Why? Do we really care if a resolver limits the size of RRsets to 32 KB?

Tests can help to make sure that resolvers don't crash. But they may just
return early when they see something ridiculous.

>    4. "DNS Proof of Work"
>    In most of these cases, the concern is that a hostile stub can
>    easily request resolution of a pathological domain, resulting
>    in heavy load on the recursive resolver.  This is a problem of
>    asymmetry: the stub does much less work than the resolver in
>    each transaction.  We could compensate for this by requiring
>    the stub to increase the amount of work that it does.  For
>    example, we could
>    * Recommend that resolvers limit the amount of work they will
>    do for UDP queries, returning TC=1 when the limit is reached.

That immediately prompts a question what the 'limit' is. 

For example, a resolver could set TC=1 after encountering 2 CNAMEs. But
I'm sure that will make a lot of people very unhappy.

>    * Create a system where stubs pad their UDP query packets to
>    prevent reflection-amplification attacks.

That seems unrelated to this draft.

>    * Develop a novel proof-of-work extension, e.g. a continuation
>    system that requires the stub to reissue heavy queries several
>    times before getting the answer.

That raises exactly the same question: what is 'heavy'?

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