Wessels, Duane writes:
> I’m not sure about this.  Since every zone will have a SOA record,
> and every SOA record will have a serial value, I suppose the question
> becomes whether or not a serial number is “meaningful”.  I don’t know
> how a name server would determine meaningfulness.  

When I first saw Philip's message I had the same reaction, so I went
to the doc to see if "meaningful SOA" was defined previously.  It
wasn't in that specific term, but you did write, "In those cases the
SOA Serial field may not be relevant with respect to the versioning of
its content," which made sense enough for me to understand Philip's edit.

That said ...

> What would be the harm in returning a SOA-SERIAL zone version if it
> were not supposedly meaningful?

Personally I don't see sufficient reason to SHOULD NOT it.

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