*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

An amazing collection of stories from:

Politics On The Net
Inter@ctive Week
July 3, 2000 3:10 AM PT
URL: http://www.zdnet.com/intweek/stories/news/0,4164,2597278,00.html

The Web has the potential to invigorate the political process, so why
isn't it being exploited? After three decades of negative television
ads grinding down American politics, the Internet has arrived. The
pioneers of Net campaigning hoped the new medium would improve the
political system. Anyone can campaign online without spending much
money, and, at its best, the Net can help transform couch potatoes
into political activists. Further, a written medium forces candidates
to take clear stands on issues. Studies show that voters who search
for information online tend to check politicians' stands on the
issues first. Despite the potential, campaigns have used the Web
merely as a trick to get headlines, and the establishment's main
interest has been in tales of money streaming into secure servers.

Cyberpolitics Evolves

Ready For Redemption

The Internet could spur a rebirth in political activism, as long as
it doesn't get corrupted by big money, as TV and radio did.

Campaign Consolation

Bill Bradley's highly organized Web operation capitalized on the new
media's power.

Risky Business

The Net will not win anyone an election - not until politicians are
willing to take a risk.

E-Political Paradox

Federal regulators walk a fine line between defining campaign
contributions and encouraging online civic participation.

Net Gain

The major parties are trying to entice voters with free Internet

Mission Impossible?

The Internet has proven to be a powerful campaign tool, but can it
help third-party candidates win elections?


Advocacy groups use the Web to cut operational costs and disseminate
their messages.

Digital Democracy

Online voting could be the ultimate tool of democracy, but critics
cite security concerns.

Cleaning Up Their Act

Internet users expect online candidate information to be accurate,
but is it?

Balancing Act

Political Webmasters must balance high-tech wizardry with tried-and-
true communication techniques to reach every Netizen.

Strange Bedfellows

E-commerce meets campaigning: Online users can purchase everything
from a Hillary Clinton voodoo doll to George W. Bush bottled water.

Funny Pages

Parody Web sites are the equivalent of the alternative press, but
many are concerned about the possibility of misrepresentation.

Guilty Pleasures

In the good old days before the Net, one could remain blissfully
ignorant of the issues and vote based on how a candidate felt about

Web Whizzes

These pioneers of Internet campaigning may be on opposite sides of
the fence on issues, but they all agree that the Net will
fundamentally change the way voters choose their candidates.

Bush's Big Push

Greg Sedberry, Bush's e-campaign manager, is pushing the Republican
candidate's online strategy forward.

Gore's Guru

Ben Green, Gore's Webmaster, makes sure the Democratic candidate's
site reaches out to voters.

The Right Stuff

As Webmaster for the Republican National Committee, Rob Arena, says
an online strategy is crucial.

The Natural

Chris Casey never had formal computer training, but he has shaped the
Net strategies of two very prominent Democrats.

All In The Family

Mike Connell's policy and technology expertise helped get George and
Jeb elected. Now it's George W.'s turn.

Mr. Popularity

Max Fose gained instant fame while running John McCain's Web
operation. Now he's got clients galore.


Life has taught Phil Tajitsu Nash to work for social justice, and
he's using the Net to do his part.

Out of Left Field

After running the online campaigns for Clinton/Gore in 1996 and
Bradley in 1999, Lynn Reed is in demand.

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Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
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