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Three pages from <http://digitalgovernment.org/> (watch out for Flash
download). Are any DO-WIRE subscribers involved with the grantee
projects listed below?  Send us an overview we can share.

And here is how get on their e-mail list:

Steven Clift
Democracies Online


dg.o promotes National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored emergent
information technologies research by creating partnerships between
academic researchers, government agencies, and the private sector.

Government agencies affiliated with dg.o, are known as the "Digital
Government Consortium." Member agencies often partner with NSF
research performers and the private sector to leverage information
technology research and identify financial resources to help build
the Digital Government of the 21st Century.

dg.o is a resource academic, private sector and government agencies
can use to find partners for information technology research

dg.o facilitates collaborative research proposal preparation by the
academic community and government and private sector partners.
Principle investigators at academic institutions may submit proposals
to the NSF's Digital Government Research Program, other NSF research
programs, including those within the Computing and Information
Sciences and Engineering (CISE) Directorate, and other government
research programs.

dg.o activities include the following:

Maintains and manages the dg.o website.

Hosts forums in which researchers and government agencies can meet
and start a process for understanding each other's cultures,
expertise, challenges.

Monitors technology being developed by researchers, with an eye
toward applying those technologies in the government arena.

Facilitates transferring emergent information technologies from
academia to government test beds.

Provides researchers with insight into government agency information
technology research needs.

Helps government agencies participating in research collaborations
influence the direction of information technology research prior to
commercialization. Acts as an information source across agencies, and
assists in leveraging resources through collaboration. Creates an
expanding community of participating researchers and government
agencies by providing the infrastructure for collaboration and
knowledge exchange.



dg.o members include government agencies, academic institutions and
private sector organizations. dg.o membership ensures opportunities
for partnering and collaborating with cutting-edge institutions and
organizations seeking to help build the Digital Government of the
21st century. Membership can take many forms, depending on the
organization, the depth of engagement, and level of resource

Government agencies affiliated with dg.o are committed to leveraging
emergent information technologies to support their missions and are
known collectively as the "Digital Government Consortium". Agency
contacts represent a cross-section of professionals with
responsibility for information-management technology, strategic
planning, programs, research and/or implementation.

 Digital Government Consortium Agencies and Liaisons

  Bureau of the Census
                                  Jack Marshall
  Bureau of Justice Statistics
                                  Marshall De Berry
  Bureau of Labor Statistics
                                  Michael Levy
  DOJ's Office of Justice Programs
                                  Paul Kendall
  Central Intelligence Agency
                                  Angela Coppola
  Housing and Urban Development
                                  Gretchen Van Hyning
  National Imagery and Mapping Agency
                                  Jeff Fleisher
  National Security Agency
  National Science Foundation
                                  Larry Brandt

  Grantee Institutions

The following institutions have received digital government program
grants, and have provided information about their activities.
Choosing the details link will provide details about the grant,
including links to the primary and partnering institutions where
provided. This listing is based on the institution of the principal
investigator. The detailed listing of grantees provides information
on additional instititutional and industry participants for all
grants for which we have information.

 Note: The details will open in a new window
 Sponsoring Institution
                              Grant Title
 Arizona State University
                              Representation and Distribution of
Geospatial Knowledge
 George Mason University
                              Hotlinked Governance: Openness,
Effectiveness and the World Wide
                              Web in Public Organizations
 George Mason University
                              Hotlinked Governance: Openness,
Effectiveness and the World Wide
                              Web in Public Organizations
 Information Sciences Institute
                              Survey Authoring and Administration
 Iowa State University
                              Collecting and Using Geospatial Data in
the Field: An Extensible
                              Framework and Testbed
 National Institute of Statistical
                              A Web-Based Query System for Disclosure-
Limited Statistical
                              Analysis of Confidential Data
 Oregon Graduate Institute
                              Harvesting Information to Sustain our
 Penn State University
                              Collaborative Research: Quality
Graphics for Federal Statistical
 Providence College
                              Citizen Agenda-Setting in the
Regulatory Process: Electronic
                              Collection and Synthesis of Public
 Purdue University
                              Database Middleware for Distributed
Ontologies in State and Federal
                              Family & Social Services
 Rice University
                              Quality Graphics for Federal
Statistical Summaries
 Stanford University
                              Information Technology Accommodation
 Stanford University
                              Information Technology Accommodation
 Stanford University
                              REGBASE: A Distributed Information
Infrastructure for Regulation
                              Management and Compliance Checking
 Stanford University
                              Heterogeneous Reasoning Tools for
Design Support
 State University of New York at
                              Very Large Scale Multidimensional Data
Management and Retrieval
                              for USGS and NIMA Imagery
 The University of Arizona
                              COPLINK Center: Information and
Knowledge Management for
                              Law Enforcement
 The University of Michigan
                              Identifying Where Technology Logging
and Monitoring for Increased
                              Security End and Where violations of
Personal privacy and Student
                              Records Begins and Where Violations of
 University at Albany - SUNY
                              Knowledge Networking in the Public
 University of California San Diego
                              I2T: An information integration testbed
for digital government
 University of Georgia
                              Use of Internet-based Intelligent
Systems for Shaping and Enhancing
                              Citizen Participation and Service
Delivery in Government
 University of Maine
                              Knowledge Management Over Time-Varying
Geospatial Datasets
 University of Maryland
                              Issues in the Development of Spatial
Spreadsheets and Browsers
 University of Massachusetts,
                              A Language-Modeling Approach to
Metadata for Cross-Database
                              Linkage and Search
 University of North Carolina at
 Chapel Hill
                              Citizen Access to Government
Statistical Data
 University-SUNI at Albany
                              Designing the Digital Government of the
21st Century: A
                              Multidisciplinary Workshop
 USC Information Sciences Institute
                              DGRC Energy Data Collection


 A Language-Modeling Approach to Metadata for Cross-Database Linkage
 and Search
 Sponsoring Institution: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
 Principal Investigator: W. Bruce Croft
 Project Contact:Jean Joyce
 Project Url: http://ciir.cs.umass.edu/research/digitalgovt.html

 A Web-Based Query System for Disclosure-Limited Statistical Analysis
 Confidential Data
 Sponsoring Institution: National Institute of Statistical Sciences
 Principal Investigator: Alan F. Karr
 Project Contact:Alan F. Karr
 Project Url: www.niss.org/dg/

 Citizen Access to Government Statistical Data
 Sponsoring Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
 Principal Investigator: Gary Marchionini
 Project Contact:Gary Marchionini
 Project Url: http://istweb.syr.edu/~tables/

 Citizen Agenda-Setting in the Regulatory Process: Electronic
 and Synthesis of Public Commentary
 Sponsoring Institution: Providence College
 Principal Investigator: Dr. Stuart W. Shulman
 Project Contact:Dr. Stuart W. Shulman
 Project Url:

 Collaborative Research: Quality Graphics for Federal Statistical
 Sponsoring Institution: Penn State University
 Principal Investigator: Alan M. MacEachren
 Project Contact:Alan M. MacEachren
 Project Url: www.geovista.psu.edu/dg-qg

 Collecting and Using Geospatial Data in the Field: An Extensible
 Framework and Testbed
 Sponsoring Institution: Iowa State University
 Principal Investigator: Sarah M. Nusser
 Project Contact:Sarah Nusser
 Project Url: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nusser/dg/homepage.htm

 COPLINK Center: Information and Knowledge Management for Law
 Sponsoring Institution: The University of Arizona
 Principal Investigator: Hsinchun Chen
 Project Contact:Homa Atabakhsh

 Database Middleware for Distributed Ontologies in State and Federal
 Family & Social Services
 Sponsoring Institution: Purdue University
 Principal Investigator: Ahmed Elmagarmid
 Project Contact:Athman Bouguettaya

 Designing the Digital Government of the 21st Century: A
 Sponsoring Institution: University-SUNI at Albany
 Principal Investigator: Sharon S. Dawes
 Project Contact:Stephanie Simon
 Project Url:

 DGRC Energy Data Collection
 Sponsoring Institution: USC Information Sciences Institute
 Principal Investigator: Yigal Arens
 Project Contact:Eduard Hovy
 Project Url: http://www.isi.edu/dgrc/

 Harvesting Information to Sustain our Forests
 Sponsoring Institution: Oregon Graduate Institute
 Principal Investigator: Lois Delcambre
 Project Contact:Lois Delcambre

 Heterogeneous Reasoning Tools for Design Support
 Sponsoring Institution: Stanford University
 Principal Investigator: John Etchemendy
 Project Contact:Dave Barker-Plummer

 Hotlinked Governance: Openness, Effectiveness and the World Wide Web
 in Public Organizations
 Sponsoring Institution: George Mason University
 Principal Investigator: Todd M. La Porte
 Project Contact:Todd M. La Porte
 Project Url: www.cyprg.arizona.edu

 Hotlinked Governance: Openness, Effectiveness and the World Wide Web
 in Public Organizations
 Sponsoring Institution: George Mason University
 Principal Investigator: Todd M. La Porte
 Project Contact:Todd M. La Porte
 Project Url: www.cyprg.arizona.edu

 I2T: An information integration testbed for digital government
 Sponsoring Institution: University of California San Diego
 Principal Investigator: Chaitanya Baru
 Project Contact:Chaitan Baru

 Identifying Where Technology Logging and Monitoring for Increased
 Security End and Where violations of Personal privacy and Student
 Records Begins and Where Violations of
 Sponsoring Institution: The University of Michigan
 Principal Investigator: Virginia Rezmierski, Ph.D.
 Project Contact:Virginia E. Rezmierski

 Information Technology Accommodation Research
 Sponsoring Institution: Stanford University
 Principal Investigator: Professor Clifford Nass
 Project Contact:Neil Scott
 Project Url: http://archimedes.stanford.edu/

 Information Technology Accommodation Research
 Sponsoring Institution: Stanford University
 Principal Investigator: Professor Clifford Nass
 Project Contact:Neil Scott
 Project Url: http://archimedes.stanford.edu/

 Issues in the Development of Spatial Spreadsheets and Browsers
 Sponsoring Institution: University of Maryland
 Principal Investigator: Hanan Samet
 Project Contact:Hanan Samet

 Knowledge Management Over Time-Varying Geospatial Datasets
 Sponsoring Institution: University of Maine
 Principal Investigator: Peggy Agouris
 Project Contact:Peggy Agouris
 Project Url: http://www.spatial.maine.edu/~peggy/dgi.html

 Knowledge Networking in the Public Sector
 Sponsoring Institution: University at Albany - SUNY
 Principal Investigator: Sharon S. Dawes
 Project Contact:Anthony Cresswell
 Project Url: http://www.ctg.albany.edu/projects/kn/knmenu.html

 Quality Graphics for Federal Statistical Summaries
 Sponsoring Institution: Rice University
 Principal Investigator: David W. Scott
 Project Contact:David W. Scott

 REGBASE: A Distributed Information Infrastructure for Regulation
 Management and Compliance Checking
 Sponsoring Institution: Stanford University
 Principal Investigator: Kincho H. Law
 Project Contact:Kincho H. Law

 Representation and Distribution of Geospatial Knowledge
 Sponsoring Institution: Arizona State University
 Principal Investigator: Raphael Malyankar
 Project Contact:Raphael Malyankar
 Project Url: http://www.eas.asu.edu/~gcss/research/navigation/

 Survey Authoring and Administration Testbed
 Sponsoring Institution: Information Sciences Institute
 Principal Investigator: Robert Balzer
 Project Contact:Robert Balzer

 Use of Internet-based Intelligent Systems for Shaping and Enhancing
 Citizen Participation and Service Delivery in Government
 Sponsoring Institution: University of Georgia
 Principal Investigator: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Project Contact:John O'Looney

 Very Large Scale Multidimensional Data Management and Retrieval for
 USGS and NIMA Imagery
 Sponsoring Institution: State University of New York at Buffalo
 Principal Investigator: Aidong Zhang
 Project Contact:Aidong Zhang
 Project Url: http://vangogh.cse.buffalo.edu:8080/

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Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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