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Can I vote for Bill Jones for Governor in California? I don't think so.
:-)  Below is a note apparently from that campaign encouraging me to do

It seems pretty obvious that Bill Jones does use TV-ads despite what his
e-mail says <http://www.billjones.org/Home/HomeList.cfm?c=19>. There 
is nothing on his home page stating that he is not responsible for this
unsolicited e-mail. The message below came straight to me twice, but also
the soon to be open Twin Cities Metropolitian Issue Forum. So this
statement at the end is odd:

     Your email was selected off the Internet based on your voter
     demographics. If you would like to be removed from future
     mailings, please click here.

The senders address also bounced a test message:
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: host smtp-gw-4.msn.com[]
   said: 550 5.1.1
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] User unknown

It looks like under California's spam laws they don't have to include the
ADV: you often see because they are not selling a good, however I wonder
if their use of MSN may cause them trouble under the California laws

I guess Jones did this in December as well

Here is something from the La Times on Feb 20, 2002

The Jones campaign came under criticism again in December, when it sent
out uninvited e-mails to drum up contributions. "I'm Bill Jones and I need
your support for governor," said the e-mail, which was first reported on
MSNBC's Web site. Then it listed some accomplishments and invited
recipients to visit Jones' campaign Web site.

One recipient was Tom Geller, executive director of a San Francisco
nonprofit called SpamCon Foundation that is dedicated to stamping out
unwanted e-mail. The political message, he told The Times, is probably
legal because California's anti-spam laws focus on commercial messages.
But he added, "There is no question it's improper" and violates the spirit
of the legislation.

Jones referred questions to Lapsley, who said that out of 30,000 e-mails,
there were only two complaints but thousands of visits to the campaign Web
site. The advantage of using e-mail, he said, is that it costs much less
than a traditional paper mailer.

"If we thought we were doing something inappropriate, we would not have
sent them," Lapsley said.

Anyway, my point in sharing this is not to suggest that unsolicted
political speech via e-mail should be illegal. If you are going
to do this, please don't claim it is targeted and send it to some in
Minnesota twice and to an e-mail list designed to discussion regional
policy issues 2,000 miles away.  Also, you should use a return address
that works and is directly tied to the campaign (my first thought was that
this was a clever spoof that sought to have Jones labeled a spammer).

Finally, my sense is that trading e-mail lists between campaigns is about
as far as you would want to go in a primary elections and even then, a
one-time message from the owner of the source list (often a candidate from
a previous election) with an option to Opt-In to another candidates list
is about as far as I would go.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 20:02:07 -0600 (CST)
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: Bill Jones for California Governor 5434xzsv5-177Gtjh560l19


      This is a new and unique experiment. For the first time in
      history I am trying to make the Internet the vehicle to
      provide information to the people of California - NOT 30
      second TV ads.

      [IMAGE] I believe that Democracy is enhanced when the voter
      has factual information instead of propaganda and that the
      Internet has the power to transform politics and political

      So while other candidates for Governor are spending over
      $10,000,000 dollars on 30 second TV ads, I am trying
      something new. What's new is this – I am only going to
      provide you with the facts on my record. Please go to my web
      site and check it out for yourself.


            1) Served for 12 years in the State Assembly and
            have twice been elected Secretary of State,
            receiving almost 12 million votes.

            2) Authored and passed California's "3 Strikes"
            law, which has reduced crime by over twice the
            national average.

            3) Strongly supported Prop 73, the first
            successful campaign finance reform law to limit
            campaign contributions to candidates.

            4) Successfully co-authored Prop 204, the Safe,
            Clean, Reliable Water Supply Act.

            5) Reformed California’s election process,
            registering or re-registering over 9 million
            voters while removing over 3 million ineligible
            voters to prevent voter fraud.

            6) Aggressively fought and won a lawsuit to
            retain legislative term limits.

            7) Set up an Internet campaign contribution
            disclosure system which forces candidates to
            report contributions over $1,000 within 24 hours
            on a website that is accessible to every citizen.

            8) I am a third generation farmer and rancher
            from the Central Valley. I have been married for
            30 years. My wife Maurine and I have 2 daughters,
            and one granddaughter.

      I am grateful to have the endorsement of former Republican
      Governor George Deukmejian. He knows what it takes to be
      Governor and he made the following statement in support of my

            "I support Bill Jones for Governor because he has
            proven that he is not afraid to make tough
            decisions even if they're politically unpopular.
            His experience in state government makes him
            uniquely qualified to lead our state and I know
            that he is a steady hand in a crisis.

            In my heart and mind, I believe Secretary of
            State Bill Jones is our best hope for victory. He
            can defeat Gray Davis without sacrificing our
            principles or abandoning our Republican values.
            Most importantly, Bill Jones is a leader you can


      Bill Jones
      California Secretary of State


      Your email was selected off the Internet based on your voter
      demographics. If you would like to be removed from future
      mailings, please click here.

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