
The problem I see with being able to do this is the owner of the account. Because ASF is a US 501(C)(3)Tax Exempt charity, neither it nor AOO can be the owner of the account as it would likely violate the terms of that status.

Jean Weber wrote:
POD (print on demand) is perfect for a group publishing project,
because there is no inventory and no one has to take orders or fulfill
sales, mail out books, etc. Once the book is uploaded to the POD
service, that service takes orders, processes payments, prints and
mails out the book, and (at specified intervals) sends any profit to
the account holder. There is no upfront cost for using the service;
the service provider takes a cut of sales.

There are two common ways to publish POD books: 1) through Amazon
Kindle Direct (AKD - which now does paperback books as well as ebooks)
or 2) through Lulu. Some other services exist, but I'm unfamiliar with
them. When I started doing this about 15 years ago, the only practical
way to publish was through Lulu, and I've seen no reason to change.
Lulu has its own online bookstore, and one can optionally choose
"global distribution" to get a book into other online retailers such
as Amazon.

Some considerations regarding global distribution:
1) Global distribution from Lulu requires the book to have an ISBN,
which may cost money to obtain (the amount varies greatly depending on
several factors). If selling only through the Lulu bookstore, an ISBN
is optional. I am not sure if an ISBN is required by AKD.
2) The requirements for the quality of the content in submitted PDFs
are higher for global distribution. For example, the line weights in
some screenshots may be too light to be acceptable, and all
transparency needs to be removed. These requirements have become more
strict in recent years. I assume they are the same for AKD.
3) The price to buyers is higher for books in global distribution,
even for the copies sold through the Lulu bookstore.

For these reasons, I have not used global distribution for several
years although I did for awhile. I found that I got very few sales
through Amazon compared to the sales directly through Lulu. Most
people apparently weren't finding the books by searching; they were
following links from relevant websites (OOo, LO, or my own sites).

So, the first things to decide are:
1) Do you want to sell through Amazon and other online retailers? Or
would Lulu Bookstore be enough?
2) Who will be the account holder with whatever service is selected?

Once an account is set up, one can publish a book.
3) Who will prepare the files for uploading?
4) Who will create the cover art?
5) Who will do the various publishing steps? These involve uploading a
PDF for interior pages, creating and uploading a separate PDF for the
cover, inputting other information and making various selections about
paper type, black-and-white vs color interiors, pricing, etc.!

But first!
Do you want to print the book full-page-size (A4) or reduce the page
size to something like 6x9-inch, which is a common trade paperback
size. The cost of printing full size is much higher than printing
smaller pages, but involves an extra step and software that not
everyone has.

I'm sure there's more that escapes me at the moment.


On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 3:43 AM Keith N. McKenna
<> wrote:

Jean Weber wrote:
Now that the Getting Started Guide for v4.1 is finished, what do you
think about making printed copies available? As some of you know, I
did this for OOo (and have been doing it for LO), publishing
print-on-demand through Lulu .com and selling at only a bit above cost
price as a service to those users who prefer a book on paper.



In general I would be in favor of it. I myself much prefer a bound book
that I can mark-up and dog-ear pages.

If you would send me details of all that would be involved, including
any costs associated with it, I cam discuss it with the team, as well as
take it to dev@ or the PMC as needed.

If others that are following the list have thoughts on this Please feel
free to share them.



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