Jean Weber wrote:

The account owner could be an individual or a separate organisation.
The OOo books, for example, were done through an account owned by an
Australian not-for-profit organisation (which no longer exists). The
LO books are currently being done through an account that I own.

As Dennis notes, anyone can publish these books. The CC license on the
books allows it. If I wanted to, I could set up another account in my
own name for AOO books.



I would need to run that by the rest of the PMC and if they agree, then through legal@ and trademarks@ as both Apache and OpenOffice are registered trademarks of the ASF.

I will let you know how it all works out.

On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 9:00 AM Dennis Hamilton <> wrote:

Keith, I suggest asking legal about this (with approval of the PMC as well). 
Get permission for the ASF logo as well.

Considering that *anyone* can publish those books, with appropriate 
acknowledgment and indication of where the free digital ones can be found, it 
is unclear to me why such a thing, with proceeds to the ASF, would cross a line.

That's way better than what people have done with the AOO distros on eBay and 
Amazon themselves.

  - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith N. McKenna <>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2022 14:44
Subject: Re: Print copies of Getting Started Guide?


The problem I see with being able to do this is the owner of the account. 
Because ASF is a US 501(C)(3)Tax Exempt charity, neither it nor AOO can be the 
owner of the account as it would likely violate the terms of that status.

Jean Weber wrote:
[orcmid] [ .. ]
So, the first things to decide are:
1) Do you want to sell through Amazon and other online retailers? Or
would Lulu Bookstore be enough?
2) Who will be the account holder with whatever service is selected?

Once an account is set up, one can publish a book.
3) Who will prepare the files for uploading?
4) Who will create the cover art?
5) Who will do the various publishing steps? These involve uploading a
PDF for interior pages, creating and uploading a separate PDF for the
cover, inputting other information and making various selections about
paper type, black-and-white vs color interiors, pricing, etc.!

But first!
Do you want to print the book full-page-size (A4) or reduce the page
size to something like 6x9-inch, which is a common trade paperback
size. The cost of printing full size is much higher than printing
smaller pages, but involves an extra step and software that not
everyone has.

I'm sure there's more that escapes me at the moment.


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