Michele Petrovsky wrote:
Hope this finds you all well.

Peter Kovacs suggested I get in touch with you, as a first step in volunteering with Open Office.

I'm a late bloomer as a techie - bachelor's in history.  Took me another few years, but eventually got a Master's in Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh.  Which led to technical writing, which in turn led to teaching.

All of those caused me to get in touch with Open Office.  I've been retired for a couple of years now, and miss the classroom and teaching experience a lot.  I'd be grateful for anything I can do for / with you folks.  As another part of introducing myself, I'm taking the liberty of attaching here a sample of my work.  It's a PowerPoint presentation I used in one of my introductory programming classes.

By all means let me know if there's a chance for us to work together. And in any case thanks for the opportunity.

/Michele Petrovsky/

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Greetings Michele and welcome to Apache OpenOffice;

Your skills as a tech writer would definitely be appreciated on the documentation team. Currently we are working on a massive upgrade to our user documentation.

We broadly use the Chicago Manual of Style as our style guide. We also use Apache OpenOffice®, especially Writer, for most of this work, and use a GitHub repository for version control, as well as tracking who is working on what.

Currently the Getting Started Guide is published and the Writer, and Calc Guides still need to be reviewed.

This mailing list is the primary means of communication for the team so feel free to ask questions. If you have not worked with an open source project before, the Level 1 and level 2 links from our Orientation page will prove helpful. https://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/index.html.

Again welcome to the project, and I look forward to working with you to make our documentation better.

Keith N. McKenna

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