Michele Petrovsky wrote:
Folks, I've finished my proofreading of the Getting Started guide (version
4.1, copyright 2022).

The project is so well done that I have little to suggest in the way of
improving it. But I did find three contexts in which it might be tweaked a


    A glossary, especially of terms (e.g., from pages 11 and 12, odbc; jdbc,
    GNU, kernel, and glibc; page 114: regular expression; page 158: Bezler
    curves; page 185: database normalization) with which a lot of people might
    be unfamiliar, would make *Getting Started* even more useful.


    Greater consistency in the presentation of internal links (for instance,
    some Figures being shown in the text *before**,* rather than after, the
    link to them – such as, on page 273, the reference to Figure 244, which
    occurs *after* the Figure itself) would improve workability.


    Some more “colloquial” wording might also serve to make less skilled
    users more comfortable. For instance, on page 94, what's shown as “provides
    the oportunity” might be better expressed simply as “allows you to”.

I've got lots more individual items, but those are the basic contexts. Tell
me how you'd like to proceed.

And thanks again for the opportunity …


Thank you for all your good work on your review of the Getting Started Guide

Is this Glossary intended to be included as part of the Back Matter of the full book, or as Francis addressed below in his reply as a stand-alone document that could be inclusive of the complete set of User Guides.

How we proceed in the long run depends on a number of factors. For the Glossary it depends on its ultimate use. If it is meant as a stand-alone document for one guide or as an integrated part of the book it would be handled one way, if as a stand-alone document for the entire set of guides it would be another way entirely. I will start a [Discuss] thread so that all the members can give their opinions on the best way to do it.

For the consistency of Figure placement I agree with Francis that it would be best addressed in the Calc Guide as the placement has to be addressed in the chapter documents. The full book is simply the chapter docs merged into one doc along with any Front Matter and/or Back Matter if it is required.

For the more colloquial wording, that can start to be addressed as I work through the Writer Guide, and followed up in the rest of the guides as they are started.

If you could write up your suggestions and post them here all of the team members can have access to them.



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