Dennis Grace wrote:

> I actually prefer writing and editing in markup, but emacs--even with
> psgmlx and the Windows settings--is a drag. I agree that emacs+psgml (or
> psgmlx) offers a solution, especially for those who can't or don't want to
> work in Windows, but I certainly wouldn't classify the combination as one
> of the "best tools for DocBook."

I don't think that Emacs+PSGML is XML editing environment for masses - I
think I can say it, because I'm using it 80 % of time working with my
computer. But this doesn't mean that Emacs+PSGML isn't "best tool for
DocBook". I have on my machine both XMetaL and Emacs+PSGML. Typing and
editing document with Emacs is for me faster and easier than using
XMetaL - even with some good customizations. For me Emacs+PSGML is "best
tool for DocBook". For many common users "best tool for DocBook" would
be XMetaL, Epic, epcEdit or something similar. Which tool is the best
depends on previous users experience and background.

If you want make typing documents easier for your users you must
customize editing environment - add some toolbars which will insert
often used sequences of markup as templates and so on. It isn't
important whather you are using some XML WYSIWYG editor or Emacs -
customizations always rise productivity.


  Jirka Kosek                        

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