On 22 Aug 2001 08:11:12 -0500, Dennis Grace wrote:
> Well, Holger, it may be just that some of us find emacs a clumsy,
> cumbersome editor. If that sounds harsh, you should hear what some of the
> other writers in my group have to say about emacs.
> I actually prefer writing and editing in markup, but emacs--even with
> psgmlx and the Windows settings--is a drag. I agree that emacs+psgml (or
> psgmlx) offers a solution, especially for those who can't or don't want to
> work in Windows, but I certainly wouldn't classify the combination as one
> of the "best tools for DocBook."

I don't see where you've suggested anything better... (even just checked
the archives, and can't find anything)

As for Emacs+psgml...  I work with a rather large team of writers and
even the ones who have been working with DocBook using psgml for 3 or 4
years haven't learned half of the tricks with it.  More than half of
them are unaware that it can do anything other than syntax highlighting
and calling an external validation tool (well, they may know it can do
more than that, just not how to do it).  It's not so much how good your
editor is, as how good the docs for your editor are.

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