On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 07:43:36PM +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> JadeTeX 3.11 is broken for me, but no one responds to the bug reports at
> SourceForge.  3.10 works better.  The 1.73 style sheets are not usable for
> print output that contains variablelists, because of a bug.  This is
> unfortunate, because that release contains a few other improvements for
> print output.  I don't know about the Jade vs OpenJade situation, but
> OpenJade works for me.

This is what troubles me about the DSSSL stylesheet chain; it no longer
seems to be actively maintained.  At least the XSL chain seems to be
better maintained, even if it does produce worse output at this point.
At least by trying to use it, you can help make it become better.

Rafael R. Sevilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   +63(2)   8177746 ext. 8311
Programmer, Inter.Net Philippines                +63(917) 4458925
http://dido.engr.internet.org.ph/                OpenPGP Key ID: 0x5CDA17D8

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