Rick Bronson wrote:
> Ian,
>   Wow, thanks very much for all of the great info!!
>   Ok, I think I'm getting closer to an optimal environment...
>   My current tool set is now:
> debian potato, Docbook 4.1, dsssl-1.73, jadetex 3.11-1,
> openjade-1.3-15mdk.src.rpm
>   I did find what seems to a bug in the Makefile when I converted the
> openjade-1.3-15mdk.src.rpm via cpio and built it, then used it.  I got
> the error:
> openjade:E: cannot open "/usr/local/share/openjade-1.3/builtins.dsl" (No such file 
>or directory)
>   It turned out the "make install" put builtins.dsl in
> /usr/local/share rather than /usr/local/share/openjade-1.3  I changed
> the Makefile on line #18 from:
> datadir=${prefix}/share
>   to:
> datadir=${prefix}/share/openjade-1.3
>   Then reinstalled, this fixed the problem.
>   Ok, so far so good.  My book consists of front matter, table of
> contents, preface, part I, chapter ...., Part II etc... so I shouldn't
> have too many problems ;-)
>   My jadetex.cfg file has:
> \def\PageTwoSide{1}
> \def\TwoSideStartOnRight{0}

You don't need to put these in any more - these are the two "OpenJade"
extensions - which the two patches to openjade add. Try removing - you
should see that they are created... The values depend on the setting of

>   Here's what I see:
> 1. No page numbers up to the Dedication (that's ok), but the blank page
>    after that has "6" printed as it's page number.  The next page is
>    the Table of Contents, the listed page numbers look pretty good
>    except "Part 1" is listed as being on "Page i", seems like it
>    should be "Page 1".

I've not used a dedication... Look in dbcompon.dsl, you'll see something

(define ($page-number-format$ #!optional (gi (gi)))
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "toc")) "i")
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "lot")) "i")
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "preface")) "i")
   (else "1")))

You could replace this (possibly in your own stylesheet) with

(define ($page-number-format$ #!optional (gi (gi)))
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "toc")) "i")
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "lot")) "i")
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "preface")) "i")
   ((equal? (normalize gi) (normalize "dedication")) "i")
   (else "1")))

And see if that works (I've not tested it - just a guess!).

I'ld have to try to see what was going on with the part roman numberals

> 2. There are lots of blank pages so that Chapters start on the right
>    but I was hoping not to see this since I have
>    \def\TwoSideStartOnRight{0}.

Ah! You will need to change your stylesheet driver... something like....

(declare-characteristic two-side-start-on-right?

Would probably do it.

Although it it is possible to have this value controlled by the style
sheets and change in the document - for example, we have a stylesheet
which lays out all the front matter (tables of contents etc) with each
"component" starting on the right hand side, until you get to the
chapters - which start on the left hand side (it is a training manual
with each chapter being a double page spread: highlights on one side -
used as a "slide" - with explanatory notes on the right).

> 3. Every thing else looks ok but I still can't figure out how to get
>    right justified text in the <para>'s or get centered <caption>'s.

You mean something more that just 

(define %default-quadding%   

in your stylesheet?

Not sure about captions... you may have to dig a little deeper into the
style sheet.

> 4. I still get tons of:
> openjade:/usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/4.1/catalog:22:0:W: DTDDECL catalog entries 
>are not supported
>   But I guess I can safely ignore these??

There should be no errors of this sort. Someone else probably has more
clue here.

>  Thanks very much for all of your help.  You've really helped my alot
> by spelling out the magic "recipe".

Thank you!

>   Sincerely,
>   Rick

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