Yann Dirson-san wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 28, 2001 at 02:01:34AM +0930, Richard Sharpe wrote:
> > Any suggestions on how to do it [manage two languages in a document]?
> This is something I have thought about but never looked whether
> something exists to do it. 

You might want to look at SmartDoc:


You can create blocks with different lang="..." attributes so that the 
original source may be bilingual, with monolingual output.  When I first 
started with DocBook, I thought that I could do that, but soon found that it 
isn't set up to filter out only the lang="..." attributes of a specified 

It is extensible, so a SmartDoc --> DocBook filter shouldn't be unheard of.

Michael Westbay
Work: Beacon-IT http://www.beacon-it.co.jp/
Home:           http://www.seaple.icc.ne.jp/~westbay
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