"Somebodyelse" responds...

Adam DiCarlo wrote:
I need to learn more about XSLT -- is this really true, can someone
other than Tobias confirm it?  I know it's true of DSSSL but I thought
at least technically it was possible to have one tree form transform
into another tree form in such a way that it's possible to ensure that
given valid inputs all possible outputs would be valid.  Maybe this is
feasible but it's just not what XSLT provides.
I've had a difficult time generating XHTML from DocBook via the xhtml XSLT stylesheets, but I'm not prepared to say why at this point. I need to do some controlled testing with each level of XHTML and with a single, "typical", base document instance. I was thinking of taking a chapter, for example, from the Definitive Guide.

My experience indicates that there may be inconsistencies among XSLT processors with respect to the handling of the xhtml namespace attribute. In addition, there may be problems when modified versions of templates are placed in the customization layer, for the same reason, i.e. empty xmlns attributes are added.

It's complicated for me because I'm not expert on the differences among the XHTML specs, the intended function of the xsl:output instruction, the behaviour of various browsers with respect to the presence or absence of a URI in the DOCTYPE declaration, and, of course, the behaviour of the validators themselves. For example, there are differences between the W3C validator and the CSE HTML Validator on the Windows desktop in terms of errors reported.

Some or all of this may be clear as air to others, but the various factors do seem to need some analysis, tabulation and documentation in order to reduce the smoke and FUD.

If anyone has any suggestions about a controlled test approach, I'd be grateful to hear them. Better still, if there is work already done, please let me know and I can include it in whatever I discover.

Regards. ...edN

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