I believe that a summary of the difficulties encountered with docbook-xsl
would be very helpful, both for myself and perhaps for the developers (say,
are any of the developers here? Comments?). This would let folks more
easily decide whether they should write their own stylesheet as you did or
work to improve the existing one.

A general question for folks. If one is stylesheet agnostic, would DSSSL or
XSL be a better choice for a start toward producing XHTML Strict? I was a
LISP hacker in a previous life, and so find DSSSL appealing.

      - Steve Nunez

> You misunderstood me in fundamental ways.

No, not really.  I never meant to say what you did is wrong.  I only
stated it doesn't move docbook-xsl xhtml output towards strict

> I spent many weeks over many months trying to customize the
> NW-DBK2XHTML-XSLTs to meet my requirements (including giving lots of
> feedback, offlist), then at one point found that the only way to
> really get the kind of output I need, I must write my own XSLTs.

Perhaps you could summarize the way docbook-xsl did *not* work for
your needs.  That might be the basis of a critique of how docbook-xsl
xhtml output is working.

Personally I think it's the responsibility of the developers (of which
I'm not really one, since I'm only working on DSSSL now) to be able to
produce strict output conforming exactly to the spec (as an option or
by default).  This is on the basis of the old adage, be flexible in
what you accept and strict in what you produce.  I'm not saying it's
your duty to help with this -- but it might help if you would.

> I started from scratch, and I'm very happy with the XHTML I get.
> I think that makes a lot of sense, and I'm also not the only one
> writing his own DocBook2[foo] XSLTs. Others have unmet requirements as
> well, but that does not say *anything* about Norm's XSLTs. No single
> software package can ever meet all possible requirements or
> preferences.

That's true.  I have a real fear of reinventing wheels, however.

It's just that you've done all this work and you have valuable
experiences on producing strict XHTML from docbook, and I think we
could transfer some of that knowledge to the XSL stylesheets.

...Adam Di Carlo..<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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