
Another problem I saw was, when the table does neatly break across, the heading 
row does not repeat. In addition, the first row in the new page does not have 
the top-border - looks like its cut off!

Any solutions for this?

Bob Stayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Now that you have found it in the fo 
file, you  might try figuring out where it is coming from in the XSL templates 
so you don't  have to fix up the FO file each time.  You can sometimes tell 
from the  other attributes with it, and then look for an attribute-set that has 
 Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting
    ----- Original Message ----- 
   From:    Dishaa 
   To: Bob Stayton ; docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org    
   Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 7:45    AM
   Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Table not    breaking across page


You are absolutely right! This was what was    happening. I went to my fo file 
and changed it to auto. It works. Thank you    Bob...once again!

But this sure is a pesky workaround, esp since the fo    file is big and its 
rather slow in scrolling. But what a small matter compared    to the universe! 
I'll survive!


Bob    Stayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                   It sounds like 
there is still a      keep-together.within-column="always" property on the 
table or a block      containing the table, and FOP 0.93 doesn't always handle 
those      properly.  You might take a peek inside your fo file to see if such 
a      property is there.  Its position might give you a clue as to where it    
  is being added.
     Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting
            -----        Original Message ----- 
       From:        Dishaa        
       To:        docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org        
       Sent:        Monday, July 30, 2007 7:57 AM
       Subject:        [docbook-apps] Table not breaking across page

Dear Users,

I am having an issue with a large table        that I need to create. The table 
has about 89 odd rows and though I am        able to create it with no issues, 
when I look at the PDF output, the        result looks bad. It looks to me like 
the table is trying to fit on the        same page and as a result rows are all 
getting printed on top of each        other.

As mentioned in Bob's book, I have even tried making the        table flow to 
the next page by using DBFO Kep-together ="auto" as shown        below. But in 
this case, it is somehow not taking        it:

...<para>This section lists different attributes and the        values for 
those attributes along with description.</para>
         <para><table frame="all">
             <title>Attribute - Tax Group</title>
<?dbfo        keep-together="auto" ?>      
<tgroup        cols="2" id="one">

Kindly assist me by pointing me in the        right direction to make long 
tables break across pages without any        issues.

Additional info: I am using 1.72.0 ver of Docbook XSL,        Fop0.93 and 
Sytenxt Serna.

Thanks in advance,

       Dishaa Ganapathy 
Princeton, NJ
Tel: 678-925-2072|Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   Dishaa Ganapathy 
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Dishaa Ganapathy 
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