Jirka, Adding the thead element did work! Thanks for pointing out that fundamental rule. The table heading is repeating across pages.
But it still appears without a top-border. It still appears cut off! Here;s a small excerpt from the stylesheet: fo:block space-before.optimum="1em" space-before.minimum="0.8em" space-before.maximum="1.2em"><fo:block id="id2884219" space-before.minimum="4pt" space-before.optimum="8pt" space-before.maximum="12pt" space-after.minimum="6pt" space-after.optimum="12pt" space-after.maximum="18pt" keep-together.within-column="auto"><fo:block font-size="10pt" font-family="Helvetica" space-before.minimum="0em" space-before.optimum="0em" space-before.maximum="0em" space-after.minimum="0em" space-after.optimum="0em" space-after.maximum="0em" keep-together.within-column="auto" text-align="left" keep-together.within-page="auto" font-weight="bold" hyphenate="false" keep-with-next.within-column="auto">Table B.17. Attribute - Ctry Code</fo:block><fo:table border-before-width.conditionality="retain" border-collapse="collapse" border-left-style="solid" border-right-style="solid" border-top-style="solid" border-bottom-style="solid" border-left-width="0.5pt" border-right-width="0.5pt" border-top-width="0.5pt" border-bottom-width="0.5pt" border-left-color="#7CC2E9" border-right-color="#7CC2E9" border-top-color="#7CC2E9" border-bottom-color="#7CC2E9" table-layout="fixed" width="100%"><fo:table-column column-number="1"/> Let me know if you need a little more context wrt to the fo file. Thanks, Dishaa Jirka Kosek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dishaa wrote: > Another problem I saw was, when the table does neatly break across, > the heading row does not repeat. Do you have thead element in your DocBook table? Only table header is repeated on the new page. > In addition, the first row in the > new page does not have the top-border - looks like its cut off! It's default FO behaviour, you can change it by using the following code in your customization layer: name="border-before-width.conditionality">retain -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jirka Kosek e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://xmlguru.cz ------------------------------------------------------------------ Professional XML consulting and training services DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing ------------------------------------------------------------------ OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dishaa Ganapathy Princeton, NJ Tel: 678-925-2072|Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." - Marcel Proust --------------------------------- Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more.