Title: Trouble with <set> containing <set> in DB5
I'm having trouble getting <set> to include <set> although the DB5  spec clearly allows this.  My code is below, but all I get is a 2 page document (XEP4.10) and the following warning messages.

    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'toc...SET'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'OT'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e23'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e40'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e45'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e63'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e86'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e92'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e110'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'NT'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e133'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e138'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e156'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e179'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e184'
    [warning] unresolved internal destination: 'd0e202'
  (generate [output-format pdf][1][2]))
Process ended with exit code: 0

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE set>
<set xml:id="SET" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="EN">
<title>SET TITLE</title>
<subtitle>Set Subtitle</subtitle>

<set xml:id="OT" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="EN">
<title>OT set title</title>
<subtitle>OT set subtitle</subtitle>
<title>OT book 1 title</title>
<preface><title>Preface Title</title><para>para in preface</para></preface>
<formalpara><title>1.</title><para>1st formalpara in chapter 1, book 1, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>2.</title><para>2nd formalpara in chapter 1, book 1, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>3.</title><para>3rd formalpara in chapter 1, book 1, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>1.</title><para>1st formalpara in chapter 2, book 1, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>2.</title><para>2nd formalpara in chapter 2, book 1, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>3.</title><para>3rd formalpara in chapter 2, book 1, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>4.</title><para>4th formalpara in chapter 2, book 1, OT</para></formalpara>
<title>OT book 2 title.</title>
<formalpara><title>1.</title><para>1st formalpara in chapter 1, book 2, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>2.</title><para>2nd formalpara in chapter 1, book 2, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>3.</title><para>3rd formalpara in chapter 1, book 2, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>1.</title><para>1st formalpara in chapter 2, book 2, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>2.</title><para>2nd formalpara in chapter 2, book 2, OT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>3.</title><para>3rd formalpara in chapter 2, book 2, OT</para></formalpara>

<set xml:id="NT" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="EN">
<title>NT set title</title>
<subtitle>NT set subtitle</subtitle>
<title>NT book 1 title</title>
<formalpara><title>1.</title><para>1st formalpara in chapter 1, book 1, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>2.</title><para>2nd formalpara in chapter 1, book 1, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>3.</title><para>3rd formalpara in chapter 1, book 1, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>1.</title><para>1st formalpara in chapter 2, book 1, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>2.</title><para>2nd formalpara in chapter 2, book 1, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>3.</title><para>3rd formalpara in chapter 2, book 1, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>4.</title><para>4th formalpara in chapter 2, book 1, NT</para></formalpara>
<title>NT book 2 title.</title>
<formalpara><title>1.</title><para>1st formalpara in chapter 1, book 2, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>2.</title><para>2nd formalpara in chapter 1, book 2, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>3.</title><para>3rd formalpara in chapter 1, book 2, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>1.</title><para>1st formalpara in chapter 2, book 2, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>2.</title><para>2nd formalpara in chapter 2, book 2, NT</para></formalpara>
<formalpara><title>3.</title><para>3rd formalpara in chapter 2, book 2, NT</para></formalpara>

My customisation layer is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<xsl:param name="body.margin.bottom" select="'0.55in'" />
<xsl:param name="region.before.extent" select="'0.25in'" />
<xsl:param name="region.after.extent" select="'0.25in'" />

<!-- indent of body text from start of title  -->
<xsl:param name="body.start.indent" select="'0pt'" />

<!-- select page orientation, select="'land'" or select="'USletter'" -->
<xsl:param name="paper.type" select="'USletter'" />

<!-- select single- ("0") or double-sided ("1") output -->
<xsl:param name="double.sided" select="1" />

<!-- set base directory to where the PDF file is to be stored -->
<xsl:param name="base.dir" select="'/Library/WebServer/Documents/_XML/_test/'" />
<!-- set the output filename for the file  -->
<xsl:param name="root.filename" select="'test_set'" />

<!-- activate XEP extensions -->
<xsl:param name="xep.extensions" select ="1" />
Ron Catterall, Phd, DSc                         email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Prolongacion de Hidalgo 140                             http://catterall.net/
San Felipe del Agua                                        tel: +52 951 520 1821
Oaxaca      68020  Mexico                          fax: +1 530 348 8309

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