
I do not know of a specific bugtrack item describing this. However, I do know 
that this has been going on for many years. FOP has a table of compatibility 
with the FO standard. You may want to check this.

Dean Nelson

In a message dated 08/25/10 03:38:31 Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

On Wed, 03 Feb 2010 10:13:47 +0200, Antti Karanta <>   

>> When I test dbfo-need with fop.0.95 and 1.75.2, I found that it does   
>> work in some locations but not others.  In the case of placing a   
>> dbfo-need between block elements like para, it works.  But if you put   
>> the dbfo-need before a section element, it does not. 
>> Regarding the extra space that you noticed, that is the other problem   
>> that fop 0.95 has. It does not yet handle the combination of properties   
>> (primarily space-after.precedence) that puts the text back where it   
>> should start when a dbfo-need is used.  That is a limitation that must   
>> await full support for the space-after property in FOP. 
>    Do you know of any specific issues in the fop bug tracker regarding   
> these issues? I'd like to add myself as a CC so I can track the progress. 

  Hmm, this last question seems to have gone unnoticed. I bumped into this   
issue again so I again came to wonder whether these problems are known to   
fop developers? I.e. are there one or more bug reports about these in fop   
bug tracker? I could not find any but that may be just due to not choosing   
the right words to search with. 


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