Tom, I use SVG files in my formal figures and they work very well. However, if you are using FOP, you need to install a addon package so that FOP can deal with the SVG natively. The package I use is "fop-pdf-images". Its a jar file that gets put in the FOP classpath.
So this is how it looks as a figure: <figure> <title>Basic XML Documentation Flow</title> <mediaobject> <imageobject role="fo"> <imagedata align="center" fileref="basicFlow.svg" width="5in" format="SVG" /> </imageobject> <imageobject role="html"> <imagedata align="center" fileref="basicFlow.png" width="5in" format="PNG" /> </imageobject> </mediaobject> </figure> Regards, Dean Nelson In a message dated 12/02/10 10:15:12 Pacific Standard Time, writes: I am using fop for pdf output. I have successfully used svg images in my fo covers using docbook customizations with specific fo output. Now I want to use svg images in figures. Has anyone done a docbook customization to do the "right thing" for using svg image files as formal figures? Thanks. -Tom Thomas M. Browder, Jr. Niceville, Florida USA