By the way, even with this error calibre has not issues opening the
generate epub file. Maybe this is just a false alarm by epubcheck?

Best regards, Lars

2014-02-18 14:45 GMT+01:00 Lars Vogel <>:

> Thanks everyone for the help. I think my setup is the same as Richard
> posted it.
> I now tried Java 7 as well as Java 8 but I get the same error. I'm using
> Ant version 1.9.2 is case that is relevant.
> Best regards, Lars
> 2014-02-18 13:14 GMT+01:00 Christian Roth <>:
> Hi,
>> Maybe the cause for the issue is the filesystem used to create the
>> zip-file, because filesystems other than EFS add the additional metadata,
>> which raises the validation error "Extra field length for first filename
>> must be 0, but was 20".
>> I don't know if this info applies or is relevant, but I am/was getting
>> this error when running Java's ZIP implementation in Java 8 (dev) on Mac OS
>> X (openjdk 8) for building my EPUB.
>> When I switched back to Java 7 (u40 and later, openjdk 7 Mac), the error
>> simply went away with no code changes on my part whatsoever.
>> I tried to trace the code in openjdk 8 Mac in trying to pinpoint the
>> issue so that I could report it to the openjdk 8 Java folks, but it turned
>> out to be way over my head. In my Java code, I am not setting any data in
>> the extra field of a new ZipEntry for the mimetype file, so I do think that
>> it's a bug in Java 8 ZIP utils library when as a result, the extra field
>> length is NOT zero.
>> Lars, what Java version on which platform are you running Ant in?
>> Regards
>> Christian

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