If it is of use to anyone, here is my gradle build file for the documentation I 


This supports:

* custom css/js folders
* multiple projects within this top level gradle project (each create separate 
* tokens in the docbook to insert project name, version, published date and year
* a location for stylesheet overrides

If I get some time, I'll try and tidy it up to be more generic and perhaps a 
plugin. But hopefully it helps someone.


On 7/12/2015 9:40pm, Lars Vogel wrote:
> Hi Norman,
> Nice to see a Gradle toolchain for creating DocBook output. Thanks for that.
> May I ask where does the code for the  'org.docbook.task' Gradle plug-in 
> lives?
> Best regards, Lars
> 2015-09-15 16:05 GMT+02:00 Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com 
> <mailto:n...@nwalsh.com>>:
>     Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com <mailto:wbl...@wonkity.com>> writes:
>     > What tools are there to make working with DocBook easier?
>     I'm just in the process of finishing up a first release of a tool
>     to make DocBook publishing easier with gradle. Given doc.xml, written
>     in DocBook, this build.gradle file will download all of the necessary
>     dependencies and run the transformations.
>     buildscript {
>       repositories {
>         mavenCentral()
>         maven { url "http://maven.restlet.org"; }
>       }
>       dependencies {
>         classpath group: 'org.docbook', name: 'docbook-xslt2', version: 
> '2.0.14'
>         classpath group: 'com.xmlcalabash', name: 'xmlcalabash1-print', 
> version: '1.1.4'
>       }
>     }
>     repositories {
>       mavenLocal()
>       mavenCentral()
>     }
>     apply plugin: 'org.docbook.task'
>     import org.docbook.DocBookTask
>     task publishhtml5(type: DocBookTask) {
>       format "html"
>       input "doc.xml"
>       output "index.html"
>     }
>     task publishxhtml(type: DocBookTask) {
>       format "xhtml"
>       input "doc.xml"
>       output "index.html"
>     }
>     task publishpdf(type: DocBookTask) {
>       format "foprint"
>       input "doc.xml"
>       pdf "doc.pdf"
>     }
>     Needs documentation and such, but it does at least run now. :-)
>                                             Be seeing you,
>                                               norm
>     --
>     Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com <mailto:n...@nwalsh.com>>      | There 
> might very well be nothing;
>     http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | nor anyone. No one to notice that
>     Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | there is nothing, and to consider
>                                        | that natural. But that there is
>                                        | something, and, whatever it may
>                                        | be, the strange thing! I shall
>                                        | never cease being amazed at
>                                        | this.--André Gide

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