Hi, Peter and Thomas,

@Peter: It seems that figure is a valid element, however, the numbering
of figure for structures would conflict with the numbering a normal
figure. As long as there is no possible was to have a "proprietary"
counter for structures (as figures) structures do not have an
independent numbering. I wonder since there are an awful lot of chemical
papers where there is an independent list of structures, that none of
them has been prepared with docbook. Otherwise there would be a solution

@Thomas: since the structures are svg as well as most figure in my book,
I have considered svg. However, than I would lable a contruct of
structures, but not the individual ones. Coming from LaTeX, the
numbering of figures was always a simple use of apropriate macros.



Am 12.10.2018 um 14:28 schrieb Thomas Schraitle:
> Hi,
> Am Freitag, 12. Oktober 2018, 14:12:15 CEST schrieb Bernhard Kleine:
>> In my second mail to this threat a showed a complex table with
>> structures, arrows labeling etc. I cannot envisage this without a table
>> structure.
> As Dave already pointed out, a table might not be the appropriate way to 
> layout things.
> Have you considered SVG? With SVG (or any other vector format) you can do all 
> the fancy stuff (arrows, labeling etc.) that you need.

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