Hello world,

A few days ago, I released the first version of the DocBook xslTNG
Stylesheets. These are a complete rewrite of DocBook to HTML stylesheets
in XSLT 3.0.

The goal of the stylesheets is to produce clean, semantically rich
HTML(5) that can be beautifully rendered with CSS (and a dash or two of
JavaScript, if you wish) in the browser and in print. I’ve done my best
in all cases to make sure that the presentations are accessible. If you
find something that isn’t accessible, please report it.

I made the 1.1.1 release yesterday. (The small fix over 1.0.0 from
Friday is that annotations are now more accessible.)

See https://xsltng.docbook.org/ for details.

Or https://so.nwalsh.com/2020/07/25-docbook-xsltng for more blather
about it from me.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Tovey-Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com>

> Wit consists in seeing the resemblance between things which differ, and
> the difference between things which are alike.--Madame De Stæl

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