Hi Leo, Hal, all, :-)

@Leo: OK, we can add you as admin. I don't in any way want to be
"control freak"-ish, and I certainly want to give you the ability to
actively contribute to the development of a docs workflow. Maybe you
can also help evaluate the possible potential for integration of i18n
work, too.

Can I just take this chance to suggest some working rules for us, as
regards the Alfresco site?

First of all, let's think of this Alfresco site like this:

I originally had it set-up with the idea that it gives the LibO docs
team an opportunity to evaluate Alfresco.

*If* the team likes it and *if* there is serious uptake, there would
be two ways to go:

a) We get Florian and Christian to set up an Alfresco installation on
the Ooodev De server infrastructure, and we migrate the whole thing
over there, with all the developed workflows and all the accumulated
docs and data. This would be my preferred solution, but I'm not sure
if I will then have OS access via SSH to do any maintenance necessary.
That would depend on Florian's and Christian's ideas on the subject.

b) If those guys don't have much time for that, or if they decide they
don't want to take on the maintenance of an Alfresco installation, we
*could* keep using the current installation at
https://documentation.traduction.biz *if* the SC decides that they
prefer to assign a libreoffice.org sub-domain instead. In this case, I
would re-configure my Apache server accordingly, and we would stay
where we are; just the domain name would change:
documentation.libreoffice.org, or something like that.

If a) then the current Alfresco install is going to revert to me for
my own future professional usage.

If b) then the current Alfresco install is going to be our future working tool.

In either case, we should not think of this Alfresco as an expendable
sandbox in which we can do "quick-and-dirty" things. ;-) We should
*try* not to break anything (although if we do, I can get things fixed
very quickly via the paid technical support I have). ;-) And we all
need to *RTFM* before attempting things. :-D

This being said, a tool is no good unless you can do things with it,
so do go for it.

But let's talk about things on the list beforehand, so that everyone
is aware of what's going on, and we can be sure that we're not working
at cross-purposes with each other.

While we're developing workflows for the site, and re-configuring
things, it would be a really good idea to *document* what we develop,
for future reference.

I haven't discussed the idea with Hal yet, but I hope that he's going
to act as our "lead admin", especially during the next couple of weeks
- but even after that, too. He's investing time in learning Alfresco,
and his work for LibreOffice is entirely focussed on docs. Plus he's
an experienced technical writer. So, if he accepts the idea, he's our
anchorman for all Alfresco site admin. In that case, he should be
*kept informed* about how the site is developed.

I also suggest that we invite Michael Wheatland and Jean Weber to
become site admins.

Michael has ideas for developing possible docs and i18n workflows, and
it would be interesting to see how they could maybe work on an
Alfresco platform. At the very least, there can be an interesting
interaction of ideas.

Jean has said she is taken up with administering her Plone-based web.
But I think it would be interesting for her to be able to get a look
behind the scenes at Alfresco, for the development of her own project,
and maybe to feed back about differences of approach. I see her access
as purely "passive". The ability to look around, but without actually
"touching" anything.

By the way, if any Alfresco discussions look like developing into a
big conversation of their own, I suggest you just spin-off a new
thread, and include "ALFRESCO" in the subject line.

What do you think about all this, guys?

David Nelson

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