On Sun, 2011-02-06 at 15:13 +0800, David Nelson wrote:
> Hi, :-)
> I'm CC'ing this to Drew Jensen, who originally set-up Nabble, and
> Christian Lohmaier. Hopefully, they will be able to provide further
> enlightenment...
> David Nelson
> On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 02:09, Barbara Duprey <b...@onr.com> wrote:
> > On 2/5/2011 2:00 AM, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm following these discussions and doing the documentation editing on my
> >> laptop, which is not my "main computer" where I have my email set up.  I
> >> can't "Reply" using Nabble, since it says I don't have permission (why?).  
> >> I
> >> can send out a top-level message to start a new thread by sending it to the
> >> list address, no problem.  But how can I keep the discussion thread when I
> >> don't have the original message in an email program to "reply" to?
> >
> > Are you subscribed to the list, at least with -nomail? For some reason, this
> > setup works differently than the OOo/ezmlm lists; I've seen some indications
> > that people need the -nomail subscriptions here.

PLEASE don't give advice without understanding.

> >
> > --

OK the big difference is that Nabble maintains a separate archive and
has it's own members database - so if you want to post via the Nabble
archive you must have an account in the TDF specific nabble database.
You must also be subscribed to the mailing list.

Here is the way it works in practice - the Nabble archive right now
'sees' 80+ Mailing lists for TDF, once a person registers with the
TDF/Nabble archive then from within the Nabble interface they can go to
a TDF/List and have Nabble handle the list registration - you can, from
within the Nabble interface opt to receive mails to your personal
in-box, but the default it to not do so. 

If you registered to a TDF mail list in a 'normal' way, meaning outside
of the Nabble interface, then you sill must register with the Nabble
database (tdf specific db) before it will post a message to the any list
for you - which is a good thing, so no anonymous posting.

Let's look at that again - I registered with a TDF mail list, from my
mail client, I go to Nabble and say post this to that list - it says I
don't know you, so you register with Nabble and then go to the list and
try to post - Nabble will say: You must be registered with the list and
you just say - go to hell and post it..it works, because once nabble
knows who you are it will do what you ask.

Now you are not registered to a ML from you mail client.
You go to Nabble, try to post, are prompted to register, you do so, now
you want to post to a list and Nabble again tells you that you must
_still_ register with the list (because Nabble does not own the lists)
and you say OK - nabble will generate an email to register your email
address (the one your registered with Nabble) to the mailing list with
the noreply flag, you will get a confirmation in your mail client in-box
and you must reply to that just as if you had registered yourself.

Now - one advantage here is that you never need to unregister. This is
really good for those cases where someone wants to ask 1 or 2 questions
and then doesn't want to see the list anymore. or, a likely scenario,
they ask 1 or 2 questions every year or so, this is a common scenario
and again this never needing to unregister (therefore not needing to
re-register) is handy.

That 1 or 2 question person by the way (and yes I already ran the
numbers for LIbO, just like I did at OO.o) makes up the overwhelming
majority of list users (and not just on the users list).

To wrap it up - for the OP here, just register with Nabble, for on-going
purposes, I wrote this long email as a first draft for a wiki
page...will put a link here when it is done.



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