On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 06:47, Jean Weber <jeanwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 06:34, Dan Lewis <elderdanle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>     This morning I downloaded a copy of this chapter from Getting
>> Started Guide > Draft folder. I made the corrections in the chapter with
>> record changes on. I have named the ODT as 0108GS3-Base_DEL_20111109.odt
>> and uploaded it into the Draft folder AS OF 8:43 AM.
>>    I will leave someone else to review what I have done and accept the
>> changes. I'm not sure if that is where the file should have been placed.
>> After rereading some things it probably should have been place in the
>> Feedback folder.
> Thanks, Dan. I'll review it. There are no Feedback folders in
> Alfresco, so that is the best place to put it.
> The intended process with Alfresco involves over-writing the existing
> files (without changing the file name), but what you did is fine.
> (Personally I prefer it, especially as this is intended to be
> corrections to the published v3.3 chapter as well as in the file
> updated for v3.4.)
> --Jean

Dan, I don't see any file by that name, and the file that's in the
Getting Started > Drafts folder on Alfresco is unchanged. Perhaps the
upload failed? Note that when uploading, you need to wait until the
Upload button changes to OK and then click OK to complete the process.


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