On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 06:59 +1000, Jean Weber wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 06:47, Jean Weber <jeanwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 06:34, Dan Lewis <elderdanle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>     This morning I downloaded a copy of this chapter from Getting
> >> Started Guide > Draft folder. I made the corrections in the chapter with
> >> record changes on. I have named the ODT as 0108GS3-Base_DEL_20111109.odt
> >> and uploaded it into the Draft folder AS OF 8:43 AM.
> >>    I will leave someone else to review what I have done and accept the
> >> changes. I'm not sure if that is where the file should have been placed.
> >> After rereading some things it probably should have been place in the
> >> Feedback folder.
> >
> > Thanks, Dan. I'll review it. There are no Feedback folders in
> > Alfresco, so that is the best place to put it.
> >
> > The intended process with Alfresco involves over-writing the existing
> > files (without changing the file name), but what you did is fine.
> > (Personally I prefer it, especially as this is intended to be
> > corrections to the published v3.3 chapter as well as in the file
> > updated for v3.4.)
> >
> > --Jean
> >
> Dan, I don't see any file by that name, and the file that's in the
> Getting Started > Drafts folder on Alfresco is unchanged. Perhaps the
> upload failed? Note that when uploading, you need to wait until the
> Upload button changes to OK and then click OK to complete the process.
> --Jean

OK, 100 tries later, the file finally uploaded to the draft folder.


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