On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Jean Hollis Weber <jeanwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 29 Nov 2013, at 13:20, "Glen Reesor" <g...@jenniferandglen.ca> wrote:
>> I'm working on translating the Math FAQ from French to English and noticed 
>> that very good English versions of these questions exist 
>> athttps://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/FAQ/Formula
>> <div>
>> Given that LibreOffice forked fromOpenOffice.orgin 2010 (prior to the vast 
>> majority of content on thatOo.orgpage), is the licensing such that we can 
>> just copy these FAQs to the LibreOffice FAQs?
>> - Glen
> I am checking on some facts related to that section of the wiki and will get 
> back to you later today (it's early morning here in Australia).
> Meanwhile, Sophie or Clayton may have some memory of the history of those 
> pages that would be relevant to this discussion.

Unless otherwise stated, the FAQ pages on the OOo Wiki are under the
PDL ( http://www.openoffice.org/licenses/PDL.html ). The PDL license
wasn't added to every FAQ page for various reasons that made marginal
sense at the time.

The original authors of the English FAQ (structure, layout and
content) on the OOo Wiki... were mainly the Sun team (Frank, Uwe,
Martina and myself), and Jean. There was of course community
contributions as well, but that was mostly on adding information to
existing topics.


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