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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Goggin <>
Date: Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer 4.2 Guide Chapter 12 for review
To: Jean Weber <>

On 20/09/14 11:06, Jean Weber wrote:
> The updated Chapter 12, "ToCs, Indexes, Bibliographies" is available
> for review, along with other chapters.
> This completes the draft book. As soon as chapters have been reviewed,
> and revised as necessary, I will publish the chapters and compile the
> full book. Please note that any major changes suggested (that is,
> improvements rather than correcting errors) will probably be postponed
> to the next update of the book. Improving the book is a very good
> thing to do, but not at this stage of production... unless nobody
> (except me) cares whether this book gets done in a reasonable time or
> not. It's already very late.
> --Jean
How do I choose a chapter to review? I am particularly interested in
the forms area and would like to review this chapter.


Peter Goggin

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