On 09/20/2014 10:56 PM, Peter Goggin wrote:
When i bring up my version of LibreBase the menus are somewhat different to those in the documentation. I was unable to find the forms options described. I downloaded my copy from the ubuntu repository. It says it is libreoffice-base 1: There are a whole heap of optional extras which I did not download initially.

1. Is this the right version of the database software, i.e. the one the documentation is intended for?
2. Do I need all of the optional extras?

I intend to work my way through the document , page by page to ensure that whatever it says can be done works as described.


Peter Goggin

So, what was the final resolution on this?

Was it decided that:

1. There have been changes that until now no one has noticed.
2. The Linux distribution specific versions break things apart and you simply needed to install the rest of the bits and pieces.
3. The Ubuntu assembled distribution is just different
4. Something I missed?

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
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