Sylvia, have you logged in?

Everybody, the attached file is a screenshot of what I mean. The existing
text says "You", which is direct and immediate, and is NOT the overuse of
"you" people have been talking about. The proposed change is "Everybody",
which is indirect and distant. It does not catch the reader the same way as
the original does.


I am beginning to think somebody heard "we say 'you' too much" and just
decided to get rid of "you" everywhere. The only places that need work are
where the text says something like "You then push the red button...", where
"You" is obviously not needed.


On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 9:10 AM, Sylvia Sánchez <> wrote:

> Same here.  Folder with no files.
> Cheers,
> Sylvia

Andrew Wetmore

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