
First, many apologies if this topic has been discussed before in this mailing list. I have a suspicion that it may have been, but I could not locate the thread.

The Calc Guide contains many cases where a small image is included in a text paragraph, showing the icon that appears on a toolbar button mentioned in the paragraph. My view is that these images are undesirable for the following reasons: I assume that they are included to help the user to identify the relevant icon on his screen. However, given that the user is able to customize his / her copy of LO by selecting from one of many icon sets (via the Tools > Options > LibreOffice > View dialog), I think that in many cases the images may hinder a user rather than help. We are in danger of confusing and delaying him / her by showing an image of an icon that is not displayed on his / her screen.Because these images are inevitably taller than the normal line of text, they often cause extra white space to appear within text paragraphs which I think is ugly and does not improve readability. I am not convinced that such images embedded in paragraphs provide the reader with any useful information or context and would prefer not to use them. Instead I would make sure that every reference to a toolbar item names the button correctly and consistently. By correctly, I mean that we use exactly the name that appears in the button’s tooltip when using the English(US) version of Calc (omitting any mention of shortcut key sequences).

Would anybody object if these images were to be removed when we produce the 7.0 Calc Guide?


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