Agree 100%

FWIW, there is a great amount of work in the design of icon sets by the
Design Team and new sets pops once a season, following trends or
fashions in software user interfaces. Having them updated in a book is hard.

Also, not every set is 100% complete, there are several 100's of icons
in the software. The trick is to replace a missing icon by a similar
one, until the missing icon is draw and added to the set.


Em 25/06/2020 05:22, Steve (GMail) escreveu:
> All,
> First, many apologies if this topic has been discussed before in this
> mailing list. I have a suspicion that it may have been, but I could not
> locate the thread.
> The Calc Guide contains many cases where a small image is included in a
> text paragraph, showing the icon that appears on a toolbar button
> mentioned in the paragraph. My view is that these images are undesirable
> for the following reasons:
> I assume that they are included to help the user to identify the
> relevant icon on his screen. However, given that the user is able to
> customize his / her copy of LO by selecting from one of many icon sets
> (via the Tools > Options > LibreOffice > View dialog), I think that in
> many cases the images may hinder a user rather than help. We are in
> danger of confusing and delaying him / her by showing an image of an
> icon that is not displayed on his / her screen.Because these images are
> inevitably taller than the normal line of text, they often cause extra
> white space to appear within text paragraphs which I think is ugly and
> does not improve readability.
> I am not convinced that such images embedded in paragraphs provide the
> reader with any useful information or context and would prefer not to
> use them. Instead I would make sure that every reference to a toolbar
> item names the button correctly and consistently. By correctly, I mean
> that we use exactly the name that appears in the button’s tooltip when
> using the English(US) version of Calc (omitting any mention of shortcut
> key sequences).
> Would anybody object if these images were to be removed when we produce
> the 7.0 Calc Guide?
> Regards,
> Steve

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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