On 24/11/2020 11:53, Paul Sutton wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying (well struggling) to figure out how to use the sum feature
> within a table in LibreOffice writer.
> So I can :
> Create a table
> Enter numbers in a column
> trying to use the sum tool on the context tool bar causes the software
> to just not work as expected.
> https://diode.zone/videos/watch/d08d5d5d-99af-4590-a2b5-c430d9ef57bf
> Question here is am I using this feature correctly?
> Another odd thing here, is that pressing the sum feature that causes the
> above also appears to grey out the exit button for libreoffice,  alt-f4
> works to close the document, but neither ctrl-q or file exit work.
> Thanks for any help
> Regards
> Paul Sutton


You are overcomplicating the procedure.
See: http://www.mediafire.com/file/imxudm14vk9z6fh/clip.avi


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