Skin Care Tips
Natural Skin care 4 Natural Hair Loss Remedy

There are many products on the market that claim to help regrow hair but for 
one reason or another, you may not want to deal with having to take pills or 
deal with surgical treatments. Natural hair loss treatments may be the answer 
you are looking for. Going with natural treatments doesn't have the risks that 
can be involved with pills or surgery.

Eating a healthy diet is one natural treatment that can be used right away. 
Certain vitamins and minerals actually help to promote healthy hair growth such 
as B-vitamins, iron, Vitamin E, zinc, and many more. You can get your daily 
recommended allowance from healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, lean meats) as 
well as a multivitamin supplement.

Herbal remedies and nutritional supplements are also an option for natural hair 
loss treatments. Flaxseed oil is known to improve hair texture and keep hair 
from drying out. Folic acid and silica may help to maintain the thickness and 
color of hair.Essential oils are also known to help prevent hair loss and 
actually regrow hair. Essential oils of thyme, rosemary, lavendar, cedarwood, 
and jojoba oil are some examples that can be combined and applied to the scalp. 
The oils are massaged into the scalp for 3 to 5 minutes. They should not be 
consumed but only used externally.

Traditional Chinese medicine is another option. You can visit a Chinese 
medicine shop and inquire about hair tonics or other tonics that may help with 
hair growth.As you can see, you have several options for natural hair loss 
treatments. They are relatively safe to try and can be done right away to 
prevent anymore hair loss and increase hair growth.Hair loss can occur in men 
and women for any reason and at any time. Most of the time there is no way to 
figure out what is exactly causing hair loss. Many times it is hereditary or 
caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Whatever the reason, there are ways to 
prevent hair loss and get your hair growing again.

The following tips will provide some simple tips that you can begin using to 
help prevent further hair loss and promote healthy hair growth once a gain. The 
best part is you can implement these tips right away.

Get Your Vitamins - It's crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle but most of 
all, it's important to get your daily recommended allowance of vitamins and 

Avoid Harsh Chemicals - While you may be tempted to color your hair or use 
chemicals to curl or straighten it, try to avoid it as much as possible. Harsh 
chemicals damage hair and cause breakage.

Avoid Heating Tools - Hair dryers, curling irons, flat irons, and hot combs can 
all cause hair breakage from overheating the hair. Try not to use these tools 
much if at all.

Exercise Regularly - Exercise stimulates circulation which in turn stimulates 
your scalp. Scalp stimulation can help promote hair growth.

Avoid Stress - Stress can play a role in hair loss among other health problems 
so it's important to avoid it as much as possible.

You can prevent hair loss and promote hair growth by keeping the tips above in 
mind and by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

If you have found the loss of your hair to be something you just can't seem to 
control, then you may want to consider how to stop hair loss naturally.

It can be one of the most rewarding things you can do for your hair, as many 
hair loss products on the market often are way too expensive and lead to side 
effects. No one wants to have to pay a ton of money or risk their health right?

So one of the things that I've found that must be done in order to see added 
hair growth naturally is by attacking one of the main root causes of thinning 
hair. This root cause is due to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT 
for short.

DHT comes about from a loss of estrogen in women and a loss of testosterone in 
men. It will bind to your hair follicle cells and eventually weaken them till 
they no longer are able to produce more hair for you. Instead of relying on 
those products that you know are a waste of time and money, one way to reduce 
DHT in the scalp is by taking herbs.

Two great ones that have been found to reduce DHT and treat hair loss are saw 
palmetto and green tea. Drinking four cups of green tea daily has 
scientifically been proven to cut DHT in the body.

Saw palmetto when taken as part of your daily supplement routine produces some 
amazing effects in blocking the formation of this hormone. Both herbs provide a 
very fast solution to those who are losing their hair.

There's a dirty little hidden secret that 90% of those losing hair have no idea 

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