On Thu, July 30, 2009 21:12, Harish Narayanan wrote:
> Johannes Ring wrote:
>> On Mon, June 29, 2009 01:43, Harish Narayanan wrote:
>>> Ilmar Wilbers wrote:
>>>> The problem is because of the XML validation functions. Those have
>>>> been
>>>> part of libxml since 2006, so Leopard uses a very old version. We
>>>> fixed
>>>> this on the Mac buildbot by making sure all environment variables from
>>>> Fink come before the others (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH etc).
>> Actually, /sw/lib is not in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on the buildbot. Only
>> PATH,
>> PYTHONPATH, and PKG_CONFIG_PATH are prepended with Fink related paths.
>>> Could the build system be modified to look for these in the fink paths
>>> before the system path on darwin?
>> I'm not sure if it is a good idea to force any particular order on the
>> build system flags that we get from the pkg-config files. I guess the
>> problem is that both -L/sw/lib and -L/usr/lib is being used when
>> building
>> DOLFIN? Is both really needed? On the buildbot only -L/sw/lib is used.
> I know it has been a while, but could you try this (or show me what I
> must change to only pass -L/sw/lib, -I/sw/lib)? I run into this problem
> every time I clone a fresh copy of dolfin.

You need to make sure that none of the pkg-config files used by DOLFIN
contains -I/usr/include or -L/usr/lib. Remove /usr/lib/pkgconfig from
$PKG_CONFIG_PATH (if present) and make sure that pkg-config from fink is
first in $PATH. If you still have -I/usr/include or -L/usr/lib on the
compile line you need to figure out where they are added. It might be
added by mpic++. Try to disable MPI. Maybe you also need to use a
different compiler. On the mac buildslave we use gcc 4.3.3 from fink.


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