it seems it has nothing to do width dom4j. In dom4j you can remove
element from its parent, for example:


Filip Jirsák

2009/8/3 Laurent Morissette <laurent.morisse...@gmail.com>:
> Hi All !
> I come to you today in hope that someone could find a solution to a show
> stopper issue that I have regarding removal of element
> Here is the code that is supposed to remove:
> <pre>
> //Snippet from BlogCategoryRepository
> /**
>      * Removes a Category in a blog
>      * @param t
>      * @return
>      * @throws com.mor.blogengine.exception.NoMatchesFoundException
>      */
>     public boolean remove(BlogCategory t) throws NoMatchesFoundException {
>         IXmlFileManager<Element> xmlFileManagerImpl = null;
>         try {
>             xmlFileManagerImpl =
> XmlFileManagerImpl.getInstanceForDoc(XML_FILE,validate);
>         } catch (Exception ex) {
>             Logger.getLogger(BlogEntryRepository.class.getName())
>                   .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
>         }
>         //the following uses XPATH 2.0 psychopath processor
>         DefaultElement de = (DefaultElement)
> getElementsForCriteria(SearchCriteria.SINGLE,
> Integer.toString(t.getHashCode())).get(0);
>         boolean isPresent=(de!=null);
> List<Element> lFoundList=new ArrayList<Element>();
>           System.out.println("Is element present in XML? "+ isPresent);
>         if (de == null) {
>             throw new NoMatchesFoundException();
>         }
>        lFoundList.add(de);
>         xmlFileManagerImpl.remove(lFoundList);
>         xmlFileManagerImpl.saveChanges();
>         return true;
>     }
> </pre>
> This is the remove method I use in XmlFileManager:
> <pre>
> public boolean remove(List<Element> removeBatch) {
>        System.out.println("in remove method of XmlFileManager.... ");
>         boolean removed = false;
>         for (Element defaultElement : removeBatch) {
>         removed= mRootElement.remove(defaultElement);
>         }
>         saveChanges();
>         return removed;
>     }
> </pre>
> here is the log produced when running a remove test:
> <pre>
> getting an instance of XmlFileManager....
> init of XmlFileManager....
> 2009-08-02 19:21:53 com.mor.blogengine.xpath.SearchEngine getSingleElement
> INFO: Building XPath search Query
> XPATH2.0 Query is /Blog//catego...@hash=xs:double(56480685)]
> Is element present in XML? true
> in remove method of XmlFileManager....
> Saving...
> </pre>
> Whatever I do.. It does'nt seem to remove the element
> Well that's my issue.. I hope I was clear enough to make it understable....
> if not I can elaborate more :)
>  Any ideas whats wrong ?
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