
is there any possibility to test if there is a specific XPath Node in an XML 

For Example:

I've got an Document A which contains the specific XPath 

And I've got an Document B which contains this specific XPath not.

I tried an

if ( doc.selectSingleNode("//Root//namespace:Element//namespace:@id") != null )

but didn't really expect to get it work.

I got the following exception:
"XPath expression uses unbound namespace prefix"

So it is and namespace problem again. I tried the same JAVA code for very 
simple XML without any Namespace an it works.

The XML:

And the JAVA-Code:
if ( doc.selectSingleNode("//TEST//B//C") != null ){

With the XML I got "Dokument1" with another testXML I got "NO". Even with 
namespace XML I got "NO" then.

The problem is: I can't leave out the namespace.

A possible (but untestet solution until now) could be to temporarilly insert 
the namespace (with JAVA) in the XML which I want to test and afterwards to 
delete it. Because there are only about 20 possible namespaces it would be OK.
But I'm not sure if it would work and I don't think it would be the best 
variant to do so.

So maybe you got any solution how I could test an XML for an specified XPath.

Thanks and best regards,
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