Hi Syd & Everyone.
Man you took the words out of my mouth, guess what I bought today, that very same C.D. I thought "No,it can't be" but it sure is, I really got duped thinking it was the Doobs, what a disappointment.
Please, everyone else beware of this C.D.
As Syd say's, this states on the cover that this is the material re-recorded by some of the original members.
Syd, read the first line of the sleeve notes,"When Dan Hartman and Tom Johnston were introduced".
Need I say more.
Take care all,
Tony Rowley
Leicester, England.
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24 February 2000 12:16
Subject: Fw: BEWARE: Bogus Doobies CD.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24 February 2000 11:59
Subject: BEWARE: Bogus Doobies CD.

Hello Syd Scott here again,
The other day I was browsing in my local record store when I came across an album called 'Listen To The Music' (not to be confused with the excellent European Warners collection). Anyway, the listing had some unfamiliar tracks from those normally on Doobies compliations (Wynken, Hangman) - thought it might be some kind of promo for the box. Well, I am one of those sad people who purchase these things, even if I have got the tracks a hundred times!.
The point of this e-mail is to warn you about it - THIS IS NOT THE DOOBIES. It is on a label called Brilliant(?) and marketed by Digimode Entertainments (ECC). The cover contains a photo of the band circa 1976/77. It states that these are new recordings by original members of the band. They are bad covers with poor production values. Blackwater is hilariously bad. However, this is no laughing matter. Hot on the heels of the illegal copying controversy comes this. I don't know whether the album is associated with the legal proceedings last summer in Florida or if this is just a bunch of imposters. I think Laurin should notify the Doobs so that legal action can be taken. I will mention this to the retailer at lunch today.
Just thought you should know.
Syd Scott

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