
Tony Rowley (Tones) is back on the list!

Welcome home mate! Long time no hear from....

Gary (the Limey Doobie!)

>From: "Tony Rowley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: BEWARE: Bogus Doobies CD.
>Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 00:57:57 -0000
>Hi Syd & Everyone.
>Man you took the words out of my mouth, guess what I bought today, that 
>very same C.D. I thought "No,it can't be" but it sure is, I really got 
>duped thinking it was the Doobs, what a disappointment.
>Please, everyone else beware of this C.D.
>As Syd say's, this states on the cover that this is the material 
>re-recorded by some of the original members.
>Syd, read the first line of the sleeve notes,"When Dan Hartman and Tom 
>Johnston were introduced".
>Need I say more.
>Take care all,
>Tony Rowley
>Leicester, England.
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Roger Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     Date: 24 February 2000 12:16
>     Subject: Fw: BEWARE: Bogus Doobies CD.
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Roger Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     Date: 24 February 2000 11:59
>     Subject: BEWARE: Bogus Doobies CD.
>     Hello Syd Scott here again,
>     The other day I was browsing in my local record store when I came 
>across an album called 'Listen To The Music' (not to be confused with the 
>excellent European Warners collection). Anyway, the listing had some 
>unfamiliar tracks from those normally on Doobies compliations (Wynken, 
>Hangman) - thought it might be some kind of promo for the box. Well, I am 
>one of those sad people who purchase these things, even if I have got the 
>tracks a hundred times!.
>     The point of this e-mail is to warn you about it - THIS IS NOT THE 
>DOOBIES. It is on a label called Brilliant(?) and marketed by Digimode 
>Entertainments (ECC). The cover contains a photo of the band circa 1976/77. 
>It states that these are new recordings by original members of the band. 
>They are bad covers with poor production values. Blackwater is hilariously 
>bad. However, this is no laughing matter. Hot on the heels of the illegal 
>copying controversy comes this. I don't know whether the album is 
>associated with the legal proceedings last summer in Florida or if this is 
>just a bunch of imposters. I think Laurin should notify the Doobs so that 
>legal action can be taken. I will mention this to the retailer at lunch 
>     Just thought you should know.
>     Cheers,
>     Syd Scott

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