Hey Doobie Fans,
I also have been on the mailing list for about 4 months now and I guess its 
time to introduce myself. My name is Eddie, and I am 15 years old. I just 
want tell the doobies to keep putting out albums because they have got a lot 
of young fans like me, and we really want to hear more from them.

PS. Please Come and play at Muksegon, Michigan. I went to there concert here 
last year and it was the best time I ever had, So i really hope they come 


Hey People!!

   I've been On this Mailing List for a bout 2 months now, so I figured it's 
time I introduce myself. My Name is Hugh and I'm 41.
 I wounld'nt say I'm a Doobie Fanatic But I do Love The Doobies. The first 
Time I saw Them was in 73' or 74'. I know it was before I got the the "VICES" 
album, but i'm not sure if it had been released before or after i saw them, 
But I do remember at the end of the show They put their arms arround each 
other just the  like pic on the back of the album cover.Since they've started 
touring agian I've seen them twice, Both time's at the Woodlands near 
Houston. I keep checking for a Houston Date this summer but nothing so far. I 
sure Hope they come. I turned My girlfriend On to Them and now she can't get 
enough!!!!!!My Favorite Album is without a Doubt "VICES" but my Favorite song 
is "Clear as the Driven Snow". And YES,, I still have a turntable and still 
buy Albums, and listen to my music everyday on the turntable. I'm slowly 
making the conversion to cd's,,, But for some strange reason i still prefer 
the turn table. A while Back, someone metioned Doobie 45's... I have 3, I'm 
not into 45's so if one of you who collect them want them E-mail me and I'll 
send them to you.They are "REAL LOVE" flip side"THANK YOU LOVE".." WHAT A 
FOOL BELEIVES" Flip side" Don't stop to watch the wheels" and " One step 
closer" flip side " South Bay strut". If I get More than one E-Mail for them, 
first one gets them. Well THANK YOU for letting me be a part of your Group. 
and If any of you have any Pull with The Doobies.... PLEASE TELL THEM TO COME 
TO HOUSTON!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!.... 

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