Let me make myself clear one more time. I am not a R.L. listener.   I was not trying 
to get politics involved in this list.  I walked into an office at work and heard it 
on the radio and thought  it was cool that the song was on.  Sorry if I gave anyone 
the wrong impression.  I'm just a BIG Doobie fan and get excited when I hear the 
music.     Joel

>>> "Maui Doobie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/09/00 06:43AM >>>

I'd hate to tell you how long ago I served...let's just say it was more than 
25 years ago.

Yeah, let's honor our Vets and give those who didn't come home the respect 
they deserve, but, for God's sake, leave that the Doobs and that idiot out 
of it, huh?

I'm not a contributor to the list, just a lurker, but politics really 
doesn't belong....it will only open wounds that don't need to be re-opened 
and that's not what the list is all about.

Have a safe and sane one.....

Maui Doob

>From: "Joel Stover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Fwd: Re: China Grove on Rush
>Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 07:06:10 -0500
><< message1.txt >>

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