Chatty Kat:

A big WELCOME to you. It's always nice to hear from new members of the Fan

Jump in anytime you feel like it.

Hope you and yours have a wonderful and prosperous New Year.


----- Original Message -----
From: "kat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 4:46 AM
Subject: New Fan Club Member

> Hi everyone!  Newbie here again!  That's the last time I will call
> myself that.
> I go by Kat from now on.
> I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and looking forward to a great
> new year.
> I live in Texas with a great guy and two wonderful children.  One who is
> 12 and thinks she is 18 and one who is 9 and acts like he is 2
> sometimes.  I'm a stay at home mom right now but will begin taking
> courses at the local college soon.  That will be a trip as I have not
> been in a learning environment in a very long time.  The program I'm
> getting into involves the computer chip industry.  If anyone has been
> through this before, I would appreciate any info on what I can expect.
> Was in the Air Force for close to 10 yrs.  Favorite assignment was 4 yrs
> in Panama.
> Never having to buy winter clothes for growing children was the best.
> Another great thing was working with members of all the other branches
> of the military.  Had to separate on a medical discharge because of
> herniated disks.  Folks do what ever you have to do to protect your
> back, this has been no walk in the park.  Now I'm a disabled vet through
> the VA.  Luckily enough for me, they are the ones sending me to college
> otherwise, it would stay an at home mom.
> My Doobie fan claim to fame, I met them back in Oct. 75 in Roanoke, Va.
> My family and I were staying at the same hotel they were and Pat came
> out as we were watching all the people filing into the coliseum across
> the street.  After several questions, he invited us to ride with them.
> As we were walking into the back entrance, the guard stopped me and
> wasn't going to let me in.  Pat put his arm around me and said "She's
> with me!"  Wow, what a thrill for this once young teenage girl!  We hung
> around backstage for awhile and then walked around the concert area.  I
> have to tell you this, that must have been the cleanest concert I've
> ever been to!  I never got a whiff of pot and there were hardly any beer
> cans or bottles lying around.  Was this the good folks of Roanoke or
> does this say something about the band?  I also met a lady there who
> came to see Michael McDonald who had been a classmate of his.  By
> chance, is she a member of this club?
> Ok that's it.  I may have given more information than anyone could have
> enjoyed but I can be a bit chatty at times.  That's where my email name
> comes from.  What can I say?  Oh yeah, I know!
> Take care!
> Kat
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