--WOnderful, LARRY!!!!! I don't consider teaching a lowly position either.  If it is, 
then, I'm one rank below you on the food chain!  I'm a nurse and work with abused and 
neglected children (most with behavioral problems too).  I hear cocktail party 
comments like like, "oh, you're JUST a nurse? Why didn't you go to medical school?" 
Aaaah the joys of servitude.....
You picked a good first album to buy. Stampede is a rockin album!  You should have 
seen the days when the Doobies did Cheat the Hangman in concert...Far OUT! 

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 22:08:51  
 Larry B. Sarver wrote:
>Howdy from the muddy  farmlands of Iowa!!!!!!!!!!
>I've enjoyed reading the posts for the last few days-----so I thought I
>should say a few words about myself.  I've been a part of the Fan Club
>for the last 6 months.
>I became a Doobie fan at the age of 11 when I heard Another Park,
>Another Sunday.  I really love that song.  Then purchased my first
>Doobie album at the age of 13----which was Stampede.   I didn't get to
>see this great band until last summer----a fabulous concert!!!! :)
>Can't wait to see them again.
>Who Am I?   Well I'm a young single man of 38 years of age.  I'm in the
>lowly profession of Education.  (At least it seems now days that
>Teachers are not held in high regard!!)  I'm
>a Special Education Teacher at the local High School.  I work with kids
>who have mental disabilities and a few have behavioral problems.
>Challenging work but I get a lot of satisfaction from it.
>I'm a native Iowan although I've had the opportunity to live in other
>parts of the country. Are there in other Iowans in the Fan Club??
>Along with being a doobie fan----some of my other all-time favorite
>bands are Little Feat, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Thin Lizzy and Grand Funk
>Railroad.   I've really enjoyed being a part of this group----even
>though I'm not the most involved.
>Just A Thought:   A hug is a perfect gift----one size fits all and
>nobody minds if you give it back.        So I'm giving a big cyber-hug
>to everyone on the list.  Thank you for the smiles, laughter, and
>memories.   You are good people!!!
>"This is who you see, this is who I am.   Please forgive me if I fall
>Just an ordinary man,  Enjoyin'  the ride,  Savor the simple pleasure
>With you by my side."       Thanks to The Doobies----for over 30 years
>of Great Music-----The Music of my Life.   God Bless you Guys!!!!!!!!!!
>The Iowa Guy,

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