Doobs Fans,
This thing is starting to disturb me. I don't know what kind of behind the scenes battle that Scooter has been in or who has been making these threats of so called "power." First of all, the only people that have any power here are THE DOOBIE BROTHERS. Let me repeat that: the only people that have any power here are THE DOOBIE BROTHERS!!! I don't know who has been making these threats or power plays towards Scooter, but I don't care how long a person has been here or how many people on this list they may know, we all have as much right to be here as anyone else. Power plays like this do not sit well with Doobies. As they said several years ago when they unfortunately did have to get involved: "this is OUR house." And it remains THE DOOBIES' HOUSE. I don't care how long a person has been on this list (and I myself have been on it since December of '96, which was only a few months after its beginning), they do not have the right to make threats or talk about using power.
Ryan in Dallas
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: whats goin` on?

I totally concur.  Glenn (Seattle)

charles e wright wrote:

chuck in san diego, ditto.

Anne Anderson wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: joesabb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 18 April 2001 14:25
To: Bob Young; Scooter
Subject: Re: whats goin` on?
I AGREE!Joseph O. Sabb Jr.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 8:31 PM
Subject: whats goin` on?
 Scott/Scooter,       Hey man, whats going on???????Don`t go...I read your mail tonight with such sad regret. I thought this was a great friendly site up until I read your sad note. I do not know what has happened to make you take this decision, and certainly have seen nothing you have written that I found offensive. Please reconsider. The silent majority I am sure wish you to stay and I have always enjoyed your impute into the site. I started to write this off list to you, but since starting I have decided to send it to the fans site as well.I may be in England but if someone has upset you this much I will come over and have words with them, give me their names, Hey I`m only a 6` 3" cop after all !! The force is with you so there. Your love of the band is more important to me than the opinions of the small minded minority. It`s 0130 here as I write this and I go to bed now with a heavy heart                                Stay with us.                                    Bobby Bob.And for the rest of you why not support the guy as well?

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