After a most welcomed "anonymous" tip and calls to different people, I was
able to contact the right people here in Chicago.  This isn't a corporate
affair on May 18th, it's a major fund-raiser to benefit the Sacred Heart
School here in Chicago. The connection to Finkl Steel is the Finkl family;
an old Chicago family with a long history of philanthropy and gift giving.
The event is to be held on the grounds of Finkl Steel in a (very) large
outdoor tent.

My final phone call was to a fantastic lady at the Sacred Heart School.
After a lengthy and pleasant conversation, and a nice donation, I'm in.

The affair begins at 6:30 with dinner and drinks. That's one price level to
attend. The second price level gets you in at 8:30, in time for both a
regular and silent auction, which will include over a dozen signed guitars,
including one from our beloved Bro's! Lot's of very cool rock memorabilia
among the items.

The Bro's start rocking at around 9:00.

The formal invitation states the attire for the evening is "Black Water
Black", meaning black tee, jeans, and basically comfortable enough to jump
around and rock the house.

Should be a great time, and I'll be front and center stage.

If anyone is interested in visiting the Windy City and attending, email me.
I'll provide you with a phone number and contact.

(hoping to hear a little "South Of he Border"....)

- - rich

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