Our original get together, back in 1997, was an intimate little party of about 30, in a room with a no host cash bar (that's where Shannon came in), and a table, where some fans put some of the goodies that they had brought, to share.  And, we sent an invitation to the Brothers, and several of them showed up.  But, that wasn't expected. 
Later, as guests of the Doobs, we went to the shows, some for one night, some for two, and then, we went home.  That's all it was, a little get together amongst some people who had a common bond and interest - The Doobie Brothers.
Ok, I for one would like to hold a reunion in Laughlin next year and see those folks that I haven't since that first weekend.  I think it would be good for the soul, and for those who've been around since the beginning and everyone who has jumped on ever since.
It doesn't have to be anything more than what the first one was....a get together for some fun and conversation.
Maybe I jumped Laurin's post a little about future get togethers, but, I have begun to make inquiries with the Flamingo Hilton, and will as I find out things, put posts up.
I'd like to know who all might be interested in a Laughlin weekend (for ticket purposes and meeting room info only).  Remember, it's a Harley weekend, so rooms will fill quickly.
So, if you got this far in the post, drop me a line, and let me know if you are interested and we'll take another look at what we might be able to do.
C ya

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